Swedish Language and Culture Camp
Welcome to Trollbacken!
Trollbacken is a 6 day/5 nights overnight camp, held during the third full week of August at Menucha Retreat, near Corbett, in the beautiful Columbia Gorge, Oregon.
The summer camp offers a unique opportunity for kids ages 7-13 to learn about Swedish language, culture, people, music and traditions of Sweden.
Trollbacken engages campers in Swedish language, culture and traditions in a creative and fun atmosphere. Every day our campers participate in classes in Swedish language (bilingual classes and classes for beginners) music class with Catarina New Martin and arts and crafts. Other scheduled activites include outdoor games, swimming, folk dance, songs and skits around the campfire and sometimes Swedish foods. Trollbacken is the highlight of the summer for many of our campers. It is a place to make friends and have lots of fun!
Testimonies from campers:
The best things about Trollbacken are the fun new things to do, the pool, the new friends and the fun counselors.” – Sebastian, 12
Trollbacken was the best part of my summer. We did so many fun things but my favorite part was swimming.” – Alayna, 11
“The greatest thing about Trollbacken is making friends. 90/10 stars” – Isak, 10″The greatest thing about Trollbacken is making friends. 90/10 stars” – Isak, 10
There are many reasons why I love camp. The food is amazing! The nice cold shock of the pool! Making new friends with my cabin mates and the Friday dance. The classes are fun but making a group of friends is even better. I’ve been coming here for 4 years and I’m glad for more years to come.” – Lauren, 12
Cost for Trollbacken Camp is $655 for the first child, $625 for any additional child in the same family. Please turn in your Camper Registration before March 15th and your Counselor application before June 1st, 2024.
Trollbacken Registration
Please complete the Camper Registration Form and email the Health Information Form to trollbackencamp@gmail.com
Registration deadline: March 15th, 2024
Counselors Application
Trollbacken Junior and Senior Counselor Application
Scholarships Available
For more information…
Please contact us via email at trollbackencamp@gmail.com or contact Ida Nyberg at 503-706-6578